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Tips, Techniques & Facts  
For new and experienced LITTLE ACTION MAC fishers
LITTLE ACTION MAC LURES came into existence in 1985, originally as Little Mac (the name was changed a few years later), and since then thousands of fishers, young and old, experienced and newbies, have caught thousands of fish with this silly looking lure. 
TIP: Before casting your first Little Action Mac into the water:
  • Check your knots—monofilament is stiff and sometimes knots loosen
  • On the lure loop
  • On your swivel
  • Use a good ball bearing swivel 
  • Brass  and crane swivels can be jammed by the lure action
  • For weedless lures, tune the weedless hooks
  • Check out Weedless Tips our website for how to do this 
*Factoid: … you can retrieve the LITTLE ACTION MAC at a slower speed than any other pre-rigged worm we’ve tested and still get the lively corkscrew action. This comes from the unique tight bends and soft plastic we use.  
TIP: If you are a first-timer, the easiest way to start:  
  1. Attach a good ball bearing snap swivel to the end of your line 
  1. Attach the lure to the snap swivel
  1. Add weight if you want--maybe a split shot 12-18” above the swivel 
  1. Cast
  1. Retrieve slowly
 Yep! That’s it. Cast and turn reel handle real slow. It doesn’t take much to get the lure to “swim” and fish to attack  But you can do so much more. 
  • Fish it like bulk plastics: Twitch it on the retrieve. The bends will give it a unique action--like twitching a spring.  
  • Jig it: Cast: Let it fall. Let it sit on the bottom just a bit then twitch it. Like a jig it will come off the bottom, then fall back slowly. Pay close attention--strikes often come on the fall and are often subtle. 
Tip:  The tag end of the loop knot will sometimes snag weeds and algae. You can cut it shorter, but be careful not to cut it so short the knot comes untied. 
  • Troll it: You can “drag” the lure behind your kayak or canoe as you paddle slowly across the lake. A slip sinker may help keep you from skimming the surface if you are a fast paddler. 
  • Go deeper: Put a slip sinker on your line, then a couple beads before attaching the snap swivel. This extra weight will take your lure deeper. You can also use a small split shot instead of the beads.  
TIP: The more weight you add the faster the lure must move to keep spinning.  
  • Drift fish: While drifting with the current in your pontoon, cast a LITTLE ACTION MAC behind and sit back and enjoy the day. A little extra weight may be an option, especially if the drift is fast. 
Tip: We like a #2 ball bearing swivel for all but the 950. We prefer a smaller, lighter #1 for the 950. In both cases our first choice is black to avoid the “hits” we get sometimes on the shiny nickel swivels. 
  • Bottom Bouncer:  With a little time you can convert your lure to bottom bouncer status. First, attach a ball bearing swivel directly to the snap on your bottom bouncer swivel. (Most bottom bouncers have brass swivels and they won’t allow your lure to turn.) Clip off the loop on the lure leader; tie a knot on the lure leader right at the nose of the worm; slide on three beads, add a clevis and a small blade (we like a #2 or #3), then add another bead; use a blood knot to tie on an additional 30”-40” of line on the lure leader; tie a loop on the end of the leader; clip the leader loop to the ball bearing swivel on the bottom bouncer. Drop the whole thing over the side of the boat just deep enough for you to see it. Set your trolling speed (it takes less to move the lure than the blade, so set your speed based on the action of the blade).  
*Factoid: … walleye are notorious tail biters. You will probably see a lot of your walleye hookups come on the tail hook. 
Help keep our lakes, rivers and woods clean today and tomorrow. Don’t litter!  Recycle!
  • Drop it in lily pad pockets: Cast, then pull the lure to a pocket; let it drop slowly. You may want to add a small split shot just ahead of the swivel to enhance the fall. 
*Factoid: …without the hooks the lure would float. This light plastic, combined with the bends, allows you to retrieve them at very slow speeds--and keep them in front of the fish longer. 
*Factoid: ...the raspberry scent we put on the lures will help attract fish AND mask the smell from your hands
  • Dead-fish it: Cast it; let it fall; let it sit. Fish will be attracted to the fall. When they come over to investigate their fin activity will make the lure move and prompt a strike.  
*Factoid: … unlike many (most?) lures, LITTLE ACTION MAC lures are effective at many retrieve speeds
  • Buzz-bait it: cast; start your retrieve immediately, keeping the lure on the water surface. As it turns, the slapping tail will create a noise
*Factoid: … if your lure is 6” or less, the lure is tied on 12# line; larger lures are tied on 20# line.
  • Skip it under docks: Fish like the protection of a dock. Cast/skip the lure under the dock and let it fall before retrieving it.
*Factoid: … our weedless hooks are very effective when properly tuned. The single wire loop helps keep off weeds and helps your lure bounce off rocks and wood. Check out our website for “Tuning our weedguard”. A well tuned weedguard will decrease weeds and increase hook-ups. 
Tip:  One of our pro staff told us he has a couple tricks he uses to extend the life of the lure. 1) don’t pull the fish out of the water by grabbing the line--when the fish flops it can tear the soft plastic, and 2) don’t remove hooks by grabbing the plastic around the hooks--use your pliers or forceps and grab the hook itself. He says these two tricks have probably doubled the life of his lures. 
Tip: You may want to use a second swivel to control line twist. Some ling time users use two ball bearing swivels clipped together when one just doesn’t seem to be enough. 
*Factoid: … our custom soft plastic blend is softer than most other manufacturers. We know it makes for better action and that means more fish for you. 
*Factoid: … the unique corkscrew action comes from the very tight bends. And the bends last. We hung one from the ceiling in our shop and 4 years later it was still bent.  
Tip: Set the hook with a sweep set. LITTLE ACTION MAC lure hooks are exposed so it doesn’t take a lot of brute force to set the hooks. Try a short sweeping motion. This will keep the lure in the fish’s mouth and allow the exposed hooks to grab hold. 
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Teach someone to fish. A LITTLE ACTION MAC LURE is very forgiving and will catch a variety of fish at a variety of retrieve speeds in a variety of water conditions. The three hooks are very effective and help fishers of all ages learn to recognize a strike while catching fish, even when they make a mistake. We often hear success stories from parents and from adults new to fishing. As the fisher gains experience they can also improve their fish catching success by trying other techniques. Share one with someone who really wants to have some fun catching fish. Share with somebody who really wants to catch more fish. Keep some for the tournaments. 

A Little Action Mac Training Note